Friday, March 8, 2013

Double Tree Hotel cookies with a twist!

We made the double tree hotel cookies with a twist. We added Heath bar toffee bits to the cookies.  I am not sure if it added to the cookies or took away.  The recipe did not call for too many ingredients.  I was pretty happy about this.  We mixed all the ingredients together. And put then in the oven. Our oven only required the cookies to been in for about 11 minutes.  The toffee bits we added melted, but after they cooled they hardened again.  Not really sure about the toffee bits, but it was a nice little variation.

The finished product. This picture was taken pretty early in the process. The recipe makes about 30 pretty good sized cookies.  Once we were done the plate was stacked pretty high! I was able to take some to work and still have about 15 left at home.  We didn't need to have too many of these around.

Jada mixing the cookies.  She is having to use strength with the thick dough. But she is having fun so she has a big smile on her face.

We will make these again!

 Below is the link to the original Double tree recipe cookies found on Pinterest.

Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas

We are on a roll, It is Sunday and we are prepping for our Monday dinner. We are going to have Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas. Jada cut up all the peppers and then we placed then at the bottom of the crock pot and placed the chicken on top and Jada sprinkled on the seasoning.  We put it on low over night.  We woke up with the house smelling wonderful! The pictures below are the before and the after.  In the after you can see some of the shredded chicken, but I wanted a picture with what the chicken looked like before I shredded it. We ended up eating it with flour tortillas, shredded lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. It was a nice was to sneak in some veggies...( Although, my oldest son said that he saw them in the tortilla, but realized he couldn't really taste them, so he just kept eating and he actually came back for a third one.) It was an easy dinner and low cost. So me and Jada will be cooking this one again.

Before it's was cooked.

Cooked and ready to eat.

Below is a link for the recipe that I found on Pinterest.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sharpie decorated plates!

Ok, so our first project was making the decorated dollar tree plate. We decorating it with Sharpie pens.  My daughter had a friend over so we all made a plate! They had a great time, and it was at low cost to me, the mommy.  There are several Pins on Pinterest, but below is the link to this cheap and fun DIY. I bought enough plate for my youngest son, but he had company over so he passed on this project. Maybe he will join us for our later projects.

Jada (My Daughter) and Delana (her best friend) holding our finished plates. They are so proud of their plates!
Below is the link to this project! Happy Crafting.
Well! This is the first of what I hope will be many posts. I will be documenting all of our success' and possibly failures based on our favorite pins.  But hopefully you will see the love and fun as we take on this quest of completing several pins each week. I will be posting a link to the original pin and I will then post pictures of the finished products.